Putting Precision: Mastering the Green Like a Pro

Putting Precision: Mastering the Green Like a Pro

Putting Is Vital to The Golf Game

Many golfers agree that putting is often described as the most crucial aspect of golf. It’s the part of the game that can make or break your score, and mastering it can significantly improve your overall performance on the course. That is to say, reducing the total number of strokes within your short game can bring you down to meeting par. Therefore, we wanted to share some of our top tips for trimming down those ending putts. Regardless of if you're a beginner looking to improve your putting skills or an experienced golfer aiming to refine your technique, these tips will seek to improve your ability and overall game.



  • Consistent Setup: A consistent setup is crucial for a good putting stroke. Ensure that your feet, hips, and shoulders are parallel to the target line, and your line of eyesight goes directly over the ball. It is vital to ensure that your eyes remain on the ball throughout the duration of your swing to avoid any mishits. This setup promotes a smooth stroke that your body can place in its muscle memory.
  • Grip Pressure: I would recommend using a light grip pressure when putting. Gripping the putter too tightly can cause tension in your arms and shoulders which, consequently, affects your feel and touch on the greens. A light grip allows for a more natural, free-flowing stroke allowing your body to feel relaxed.
  • Read the Green: If you’re a regular reader, you will know that I regularly discuss the importance of the mental component. This includes preparation before putting on the green. Take the time to read the slope and break of the green before making your putt. Look for subtle clues such as grass patterns, changes in color, and the surrounding terrain. A good read can help you visualize the line and speed needed for a successful putt.


During the Putt

  • Smooth Acceleration: Focus on making a smooth, accelerating stroke through the ball. It is necessary to avoid decelerating or "jabbing" at the ball, as this can lead to inconsistent contact and distance control. A smooth stroke promotes a consistent roll and better distance control.
  • Practice Distance Control: Distance control is key to predictable putting. I would recommend practicing lag putts from various distances to develop an understanding for the speed of the greens. In particular, every green is different. Focus on getting the ball close to the hole even if you don't make the putt. This will help you avoid three-putts and lower your scores.
  • Focus on the Target: Ensure that you are keeping your eyes focused on the target throughout your putting stroke. This will help maintain a steady head position and promote a more accurate stroke. Avoid looking up too soon to see where the ball is going.


Concluding the Putt

  • Follow Through: Following through on all strokes but especially a putt is essential. After striking the ball, allow the putter to continue its natural path towards the target. This ensures a smooth stroke and helps maintain accuracy and distance control.
  • Stay Positive: Putting requires a confident mindset. Approach each putt with a positive attitude, visualizing a successful outcome. Even if you miss a putt, stay focused on the next one and learn from your mistakes.
  • Practice, Practice, Practice: Like any skill in golf, putting requires practice to master. Spend time on the practice green working on your stroke, distance control, and reading greens. The more you practice, the more confident you'll become on the greens.


Above All, Enjoy The Course!

In conclusion, mastering the art of putting is essential for any golfer looking to improve their scores. By focusing on these key areas of putting technique and practice, you can develop the skills and confidence needed to putt like a pro. So, the next time you're on the green, remember these tips and watch your putting game improve!


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